- 2019年7月– 至今,中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院,副研究员
2017年7月– 2018年7月,国务院政策研究室,工作借调,创新副研究员
2016年6月– 2016年9月,荷兰马斯特里赫特大学综合评估研究中心,访问学者
2014年5月– 2019年6月,中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院,助理研究员
2012年7月– 2014年5月,中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所,博士后
2010年10月– 2011年11月,德国弗劳恩霍夫系统创新研究所(Fraunhofer ISI),公派博士生
2007年9月– 2012年7月,中国科学技术大学经济与管理学院,管理科学与工程专业,硕博连读
- 能源与低碳政策建模,能源电力清洁低碳转型,技术经济建模与技术前瞻评估
7.国家自然科学基金面上项目:碳约束条件下我国重点耗能行业低碳经济转型路径优化研究,(2017.01- 2020.12),主持人。
8.国家自然科学基金青年项目:行业节能减排技术自底向上综合评估模型:以水泥行业为例(2014.01- 2016.12),主持人。
9.北京市自然科学基金面上项目:北京市低碳经济发展的路径选择和中长期减排策略:成本与收益分析(2015.01- 2017.06),主持人。
- 社会与学术兼职:
1.Computers & Industrial Engineering 碳中和特刊编辑,2021-2022
4.国际知名期刊“Energy Economics”“Energy Journal”“Journal of Environmental Economics and Management”“Computers & Industrial Engineering”“Energy Policy”、“Applied Energy”、“Resource Policy”、“Journal of Cleaner Production”等期刊审稿人。
[1]Jin-Hua Xu*, et al., 2022. Consumers’ Attitudes and Their Effects on Electric Vehicle Sales and Charging Infrastructure Construction: An Empirical Study in China[J]. Energy Policy 2022, 165, 112983, 1-14.(SCI/SSCI)
[2]Jin-Hua Xu*, et al., 2022. Security assessment of transnational power interconnection between China and neighboring countries[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 17, (SCI)
[3]Jin-Hua Xu*, et al., 2021. Estimating the impact of the license plate quota policy for ICEVs on new energy vehicle adoption by using synthetic control method[J]。Energy Policy, February 2021, 112022
[4]Jin-Hua Xu*, et al.,2021. Untangling global levelised cost of electricity based on multi-factor learning curve for renewable energy: Wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower and bioenergy[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 285, 20 February 2021, 124827 (SCI)
[5]Jin-Hua Xu*, et al.,2021. Estimating residential electricity demand's response to price policy and income dynamics in China[J]. Energy Efficiency, 2021, 14(7): 1-23. (SCI)
[6]Jin-Hua Xu, Bo-Wen Yi, Ying Fan, 2020. Economic viability and regulation effects of infrastructure investments for inter-regional electricity transmission and trade in China. Energy Economics, 91, 104890, ISSN 0140-9883.
[7]Jin-Hua Xu, Bo-Wen Yi, Ying Fan. 2016. A bottom-up optimization model for long-term CO2 emissions reduction pathway in the cement industry: A case study of China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 44: 199-216. (SCI, JCR 2区, Impact factor: 4.1 )
[8]Jin-Hua Xu, Jian-Feng Guo, Binbin Peng, et al., 2020. Energy growth sources and future energy-saving potentials in passenger transportation sector in China. Energy, 206, 118142, ISSN 0360-5442.
[9]Jin-Hua Xu, Ying Fan, Song-Min Yu. 2014. Energy conservation and CO2 emission reduction in China’s 11th Five- Year Plan: A performance evaluation. Energy Economics, 46: 348-359. (SCI/SSCI, ABS 3星, Impact factor: 3.9)
[10] Bo-Wen Yi, Wolfgang Eichhammer, Benjamin Pfluger, Ying Fan*, Jin-Hua Xu*, 2019. Spatial deployment of renewable energy based on China’s coal-heavy generation mix and inter-regional transmission grid. The Energy Journal.40, 4:45-74. (SSCI, ABS 3星)
[11] Yue Yao, Jin-Hua Xu*, De-Qiang Sun, 2020. Untangling global levelised cost of electricity based on multi-factor learning curve for renewable energy: Wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower and bioenergy. Journal of Cleaner Production,124827,ISSN 0959-6526.
[12] Bo-Wen Yi, Jin-Hua Xu*, Ying Fan, 2019. Coordination of policy goals between renewable portfolio standards and carbon caps: A quantitative assessment in China. Applied Energy, 237: 25-35. (SCI, JCR 1区, IF: 7.9)
[13] Bin-bin Peng, Jin-Hua Xu*, 2018. Modeling uncertainty in estimation of carbon dioxide abatement costs of energy-saving technologies for passenger cars in China. Energy Policy. 113, 306-319. (SSCI/SCI, JCR 1区, Impact factor: 5.0)
[14] Bo-Wen Yi, Jin-Hua Xu*, Ying Fan, 2016. Inter-regional power grid planning up to 2030 in China considering renewable energy development and regional pollutant control: A multi-region bottom-up optimization model. Applied Energy, 184: 641– 658. (SCI, JCR 1区, IF: 7.9)
[15] Jun-Jun Jia, Jin-Hua Xu*, Ying Fan, 2018. Public acceptance of household energy-saving measures in Beijing: Heterogeneous preferences and policy implications, Energy Policy, 113:487-499. (SSCI/SCI, JCR 1区, Impact factor: 5.0)
[16] De-Qiang Sun, Jin-Hua Xu*, Bo-Wen Yi, et al., 2018. Assessment of CO2 emission reduction potentials in the Chinese oil and gas extraction industry: from a technical and cost-effective perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production. 201, 1101-1110. (SCI, JCR1区, IF: 6.4)
[17] Ying Fan, Bin-Bin Peng, Jin-Hua Xu*, 2017. The effect of technology adoption on CO2 abatement costs under uncertainty in China’s passenger car sector. Journal of Cleaner Production, 154: 578–592. (SCI, JCR 1区, Impact factor: 6.4)
[18] Ying Fan, Jun-Jun Jia, Jin-Hua Xu*, 2017. What policy adjustments in the EU ETS truly affected the carbon prices? Energy Policy, 103, 145–164. (SCI)
[19] Hong-guang Nie, René Kemp, Jin-hua Xu, et al., 2017. Drivers of urban and rural residential energy consumption in China from the perspectives of climate and economic effects[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. (SCI, in Press)
[20] 衣博文,许金华*,范英, 2017. 我国可再生能源配额制中长期目标的最优实现路径及对电力行业的影响分析. 系统工程学报 32 (3) : 313-324.
[21] 贾君君,许金华*,范英, 2017. 欧盟碳排放权市场重大公告事件对碳价格的影响. 中国科学院院刊. 已接收.
[22] Bo-Wen Yi, Jin-Hua Xu*, Ying Fan, 2016. Inter-regional power grid planning up to 2030 in China considering renewable energy development and regional pollutant control: A multi-region bottom-up optimization model. Applied Energy, 184: 641– 658.
[23] Jun-Jun Jia,Jin-Hua Xu*, Ying Fan, 2016. The impact of verified emissions announcements on the European Union emissions trading scheme: A bilaterally modified dummy variable modelling analysis, Applied Energy, 173: 567-577. (SCI)
[24] Bo-Wen Yi, Jin-Hua Xu *, Ying Fan, 2016. Determining factors and diverse scenarios of CO2 emissions intensity reduction to achieve the 40–45% target by 2020 in China – a historical and prospective analysis for the period 2005–2020. Journal of Cleaner Production, 122, Pages 87-101. (SCI)
[25] Jin-Hua Xu, Bo-Wen Yi, Ying Fan. 2016. A bottom-up optimization model for long-term CO2 emissions reduction pathway in the cement industry: A case study of China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 44: 199-216. (SCI)
[26] Bin-Bin Peng, Ying Fan, Jin-Hua Xu*. 2016. Integrated Assessment of Energy Efficiency Technologies and CO2 Abatement Cost Curves in China's Road Passenger Car Sector. Energy conversion and management, 109(1): 195-212. (SCI)
[27] Sen-sen Chen, Jin-hua XU*, Ying Fan. 2016. How to Improve the Regulatory Performance of the Provincial Administrations of Coal Mine Safety in China: A Grey Clustering Assessment Based on Center-point Mixed Triangular Whitenization Weight Function. International Journal of Global Energy Issues. In press. (EI)
[28] Sen-Sen Chen, Jin-Hua Xu*, Ying Fan. 2015. Evaluating the effect of coal mine safety supervision system policy in China’s coal mining industry: A two-phase analysis. Resources Policy, 46(12): 12-21. (SSCI)
[29] Jin-Hua Xu, Ying Fan, Tobias Fleiter, Wolfgang Eichhammer. 2014. CO2 emission reduction potential in China’s cement industry compared to IEA’S Cement Technology Roadmap up to 2050.Applied Energy, 130, 1: 592-602. (SCI)
[30] Jin-Hua Xu, Ying Fan, Song-Min Yu. 2014. Energy conservation and CO2 emission reduction in China’s 11th Five- Year Plan: A performance evaluation. Energy Economics, 46: 348-359. (SSCI)
[31] Jin-Hua Xu, Ying Fan. 2014. An individual risk assessment framework for high-pressure natural gas wells with hydrogen sulphide, applied to a case study in China.Safety Science, 68: 14-23. (SCI)
[32] Li-Feng Yang, Jin-Hua Xu, Peter Neuh?usler. 2013. Electric Vehicle Technology in China: An exploratory patent analysis. World Patent Information, 35: 305-312.
[33] Jin-Hua Xu, Tobias Fleiter, Wolfgang Eichhammer, Ying Fan. 2012. China’s energy consumption and CO2 emissions in cement industry: A perspective from LMDI decomposition analysis. Energy Policy, 50:821–832. (SCI)
[34] Ying Fan, Jin-Hua Xu. 2011. What has driven oil prices since 2000? A structural change perspective. Energy Economics, 33 (6): 1082-1094. (SSCI).
[35] 许金华*,范英. 2013. 2030年中国水泥行业能效改进潜力和CO2减排路径分析.气候变化研究进展. 9(5): 341-349. (CJCR/ CSCD)
[36] 许金华*,范英. 2014. 金融危机对石油市场定价机制的影响分析. 数理统计与管理, 33 (5): 790-801. (CSSCI)
[37] 许金华*,孙德强,范英,任庆娟. 2012.基于FTA仿真的三高气田事故概率研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 32(4):877-884.(中文核心期刊; EI收录)
[38] 许金华*,范英. 2010. 油价结构性变化检验与动态监控研究.数理统计与管理, 29(1):13-20. (CSSCI)
[3]许金华,万劲波,深化科技开放合作 融入全球创新网络 中国科学报,2020.12.
[1]国家机关事务管理局&中科院战略院, 2017. 公共机构能源资源消费统计工作手册,科学出版社. (完成约五万字.)
[2]气候变化国家评估报告编委会,2014. 第三次气候变化国家评估报告.(9.1节 “十一五、十二五”节能减排成效评价)。
[3]范英,等, 2013. 中国能源安全研究-基于管理科学的视角. 北京:科学出版社, (第八章,国际石油价格形成机制,完成1.2万字).