1. 中海石油气电集团有限责任公司:“中国进口LNG 现货价格预测模型库构建”,主持人(2024.6-2026.4)
2. 中国工程院战略研究与咨询项目:“天津港产城融合发展战略下数智赋能的适港产业升级研究”,子课题负责人(2024.6-2025.5)
3. 国家社科基金重大项目:“多重风险因素叠加视角下我国能源安全问题研究”,主持人(2024.01-2027.12)
4. 国家自然科学基金委专项项目:“中国及全球能源转型风险、金融风险、资源风险和气候损失等建模和预测研究”,主持人(2023.01-2025.12)
5. 中科院青促会优秀会员项目:“气候与能源金融”,主持人(2022-2024)
6. 广州期货交易所:“新形势下全球主要交易所转型经验研究”,主持人(2022)
7. 国家自然科学优秀青年基金:“能源金融”,主持人(2021.1-2023.12)
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“全球能源市场系统性风险测度与传染机制研究”,主持人(2020.1-2023.12)
9. 国家重点研发计划项目:“大气污染区域联防联控制度和管理技术体系研究”,子子课题负责人(2019-1-2021.12)
10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:“国际石油市场微观-宏观行为规律与复杂机理研究”,主持人(2018.1-2021.12)
11. 青年创新促进会项目:“大数据与能源金融”,主持人(2017.1-2020.12)
12. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目:“大数据驱动下石油市场微观机理与风险管理范式研究”,主持人(2016.1-2018.12)
- 1.国际期刊Journal of Climate Finance创刊主编,20222.国际SSCI期刊Energy Economics副主编,20223.国际SSCI期刊International Review of Financial Analysis副主编, 2018-4.国际SSCI期刊Finance Research Letters高级主编, 2018-5.国际SSCI期刊International Review of Economics and Finance副主编, 2019-6.国际SSCI期刊Emerging Markets Finance and Trade副主编, 2019-20227.国际ESCI期刊International Journal of Financial Engineering副主编, 2019-8.国际SCI/SSCI期刊Energy Policy, 编委, 2020-9.国际期刊Journal of Systems Science and Information, 编委, 202310.中国气象学会金融气象专业委员会,副主任委员,2024.8-11.民建中央首届咨询委员会委员,2024.5-2027.1212.国家粮食和物资储备安全应急专家组专家,2023-2028。13.中科院青促会信息与管理分会副会长,2019-202114.国际能源转型研究会,创会理事,副理事长,2021-15.中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会气候金融研究分会副理事长,2020-16.中国管理现代化研究会理事,2020-
2. 高比例可再生能源电力系统协同优化管理机制研究与应用,2023年度电力创新奖二等奖,排名第6/10,中国电力企业联合会
3. 第九届全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛优秀指导教师(特等奖),2023年
4. 科睿唯安全球“高被引科学家”,2021-2023
5. 第八届全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛优秀指导教师(赛区特等奖),全国一等奖,2022年。
6. 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者,2020-2023年
7. International Review of Financial Analysis,2021 Tom Fetherston Prize最佳论文奖
8. Finance Research Letters 2021高被引论文奖
9. Resources,Conservation & Recycling 2021高被引论文奖
10. 中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文,2021年。
11. 第七届全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛优秀指导教师(特等奖),2021年
12. 入选World’s top 2% scientists 2020
14. Economic Modelling首届最佳论文奖,2020年
1. Dayong Zhang,Jun Li,Jiajia Li,Kun Guo,Qiang Ji, 2004. Policy spillovers from climate actions to energy poverty: International evidence. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
2. Onur Polat,Rangan Gupta,Oguzhan Cepni,Qiang Ji*,2024. Can municipal bonds hedge US state-level climate risks? Finance Research Letters,67,105915.
3. Afees A. Salisu,Ahamuefula E. Ogbonna,Rangan Gupta,Qiang Ji*,2024. Energy market uncertainties and exchange rate volatility: A GARCH-MIDAS approach. Finance Research Letters,67,105847.
4. Emmanuel Joel Aikins Abakah,Aviral Kumar Tiwari,Mohammad Abdullah,Qiang Ji*,Zunaidah Sulong,2024. Monetary policy uncertainty and ESG performance across energy firms. Energy Economics,136,107699.
5. Yunhan Zhang,David Gabauer,Rangan Gupta,Qiang Ji*,2024. How connected is the oil-bank network?Firm-level and high-frequency evidence. Energy Economics,136,107684.
6. Xiaohang,Ren,Wenting Jiang,Qiang Ji,Pengxiang Zhai,2024. Seeing is believing: Forecasting crude oil price trend from the perspective of images. Journal of Forecasting.
7. Yingtong Chen,Fei Wu,Dayong Zhang, Qiang Ji*,2024. Tourism in pandemic: The role of digital travel vouchers in China. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications,11,717.
8. Changyu Liu,Wanrong Gong,Guanglong Dong,Qiang Ji*,2024. Regulation of environmental,social and governance disclosure greenwashing behaviors considering the risk preference of enterprises. Energy Economics,135,107637.
9. Kun Guo,Qiang Ji,Dayong Zhang,2024. A dataset to measure global climate physical risk. Data in Brief,54,110502.
10. Changyu Liu,Jing Wang,Qiang Ji*,Dayong Zhang,2024. To be green or not to be: How governmental regulation shapes financial institutions’greenwashing behaviors in green finance. International Review of Financial Analysis,93,103225.
11. Rufei Ma,Xinxin Fu, Qiang Ji*,Pengxiang Zhai,2024. Do climate-exposed firms hold more cash?Global evidence. Economics Letters,237,111651.
12. Kun Guo,Yuxin Kang,Qiang Ji*,Dayong Zhang,2024. Cryptocurrencies under climate shocks: a dynamic network analysis of extreme risk spillovers. Financial Innovation.
13. Kun Guo,Liyuan Luan,Dayong Zhang,Qiang Ji*,2024. Does climate risk affect the performance of companies in China?Applied Economics Letters.
14. Xiaohang Ren,Yiying Li,Qiang Ji*,Pengxiang Zhai,2024. Climate policy uncertainty and the green bond market: Fresh insights from the QARDL model. Applied Economics Letters.
15. Jiawen Luo,Tony Klein,Thomas Walther,Qiang Ji,2024. Forecasting realized volatility of crude oil futures prices based on machine learning. Journal of Forecasting.
16. Wanli Zhao,Xiangyang Zhai,Qiang Ji,Zhenhua Liu,2024. Measuring crisis from climate risk spillovers in European electricity markets. Energy Economics,134,107586.
17. Alex Plastun,Xolani Sibande,Rangan Gupta,Qiang Ji*,2024. Price effects after one-day abnormal returns and crises in the stock markets. Research in International Business and Finance,70(A),102308.
18. Yajie Chen,Dayong Zhang*,Kun Guo,Qiang Ji*,2024. Emission trading schemes and cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,124,102949.
19. Yunhan Zhang,Qiang Ji*,Dayong Zhang,Kun Guo,2024. How does Shanghai crude oil futures affect top global oil companies: The role of multi-uncertainties. Energy Economics,131,107354.
20. Dandan Ma,Pengxiang Zhai,Dayong Zhang,Qiang Ji*,2024. Excess stock returns and corporate environmental performance in China. Financial Innovation,10:41.
21. Changyu Liu,Wei Li,Le Chang,Qiang Ji*,2024. How to govern greenwashing behaviors in green finance products: A tripartite evolutionary game approach. Financial Innovation,10:34.
22. Dayong Zhang,Kun Guo,Qiang Ji*,2024. Resolve climate-policy uncertainties in the US and China. Nature 625,663.
23. Xiaoyun Xing,Kun Guo,Qiang Ji,Dayong Zhang,2024. On the interactive effects of climate policies: Insights from a stock-flow consistent model. Applied Energy,358,122664.
24. Pengxiang Zhai,Fei Wu,Qiang Ji,Duc Khuong Nguyen,2024. From fears to recession?Time-frequency risk contagion among stock and CDS markets during the COVID pandemic. International Journal of Finance and Economics,29,551-580.
25. Kun Guo,Yuan Bian,Dayong Zhang,Qiang Ji*,2024. ESG performance and corporate external financing in China: The role of rating disagreement. Research in International Business and Finance,69,102236.
26. YingTung Chan,Qiang Ji,Dayong Zhang,2024. Optimal monetary policy responses to carbon and green bubbles: A two-sector DSGE analysis. Energy Economics,130,107281.
27. Yunhan Zhang,Yan Li,Wanli Zhao,Qiang Ji*,2024. Climate risk performance and returns integration of Chinese listed energy companies. Energy Economics,129,107272.
28. Dandan Ma,Yunhan Zhang,Qiang Ji*,Wan-Li Zhao,Pengxiang Zhai,2024. Heterogeneous impacts of climate change news on China’s financial markets. International Review of Financial Analysis,91,103007.
29. Kun Guo,Liyuan Luan,Xiaoli Cai,Dayong Zhang,Qiang Ji,2024. Energy trade stability of China: Policy options with increasing climate risks. Energy Policy,184,113858.
30. Dayong Zhang,Yalin Wu, Qiang Ji,Kun Guo,Brian Lucey,2024. Climate impacts on the loan quality of Chinese regional commercial banks. Journal of International Money and Finance,140,102975.
32. Kun Guo,Yichong Li,Yunhan Zhang,Qiang Ji,Wanli Zhao,2023. How are climate risk shocks connected to agricultural markets?Journal of Commodity Markets,32,100367.
33. Shanglei Chai,Mengjun Cao,Qiang Li, Qiang Ji,Zuankuo Liu,2023. Exploring the nexus between ESG disclosure and corporate sustainable growth: Moderating role of media attention. Finance Research Letters,58c,104519.
34. Rangan Gupta,Qiang Ji*,Christian Pierdzioch,Vasilios Plakandaras,2023. Forecasting the conditional distribution of realized volatility of oil price returns: The role of skewness over 1859 to 2023. Finance Research Letters,58(C),104501.
35. Oguzhan Cepni,Rangan Gupta, Qiang Ji*,2023. Sentiment regimes and reaction of stock markets to conventional and unconventional monetary policies: Evidence from OECD countries. Journal of Behavioral Finance,24(3),365-381.
36. Yiran Shen,Xiaolei Sun,Qiang Ji,Dayong Zhang,2023. Climate events matter in the global natural gas market. Energy Economics,125,106887.
37. Xiaolei Sun,Yiran Shen,Kun Guo, Qiang Ji,2023. Sovereign ratings change under climate risks. Research in International Business and Finance,66,102040.
38. Bo Yu,Dayong Zhang,Qiang Ji,2023. Forecasting portfolio variance: A new decomposition approach. Annals of Operations Research.
39. Zhenhua Liu,Qiang Ji,Pengxiang Zhai,Zhihua Ding,2023. Asymmetric and time-frequency volatility connectedness between China and international crude oil markets with portfolio implications. Research in International Business and Finance,66,102039.
40. Kun Guo,Fengqi Liu,Xiaolei Sun,Dayong Zhang,Qiang Ji*,2003. Predicting natural gas futures’volatility using climate risks. Finance Research Letters,55,103915.
41. Lei Lei,Dayong Zhang,Qiang Ji,Kun Guo,Fei Wu,2023. A text-based managerial climate attention index of listed firms in China. Finance Research Letters,55,103911.
43.Rangan Gupta,Jacobus Nel,Afees A. Salisu,Qiang Ji*,2023. Predictability of economic slowdowns in advanced countries over eight centuries: The role of climate risks. Finance Research Letters,54,103795.
44.Xin Sheng,Won Joong Kim,Rangan Gupta,Qiang Ji,2023. The impacts of oil price volatility on financial stress: Is the COVID-19 period different?International Review of Economics and Finance,85,520-532.
45.Fei Wu,Qiang Ji,Yan-ran Ma,Dayong Zhang,2023. Investor sentiments and extreme risk spillovers from oil to stock markets: Evidence from Asian countries. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy.
47.Jiawen Luo,Hardik A. Marfatia,Qiang Ji*,Tony Klein,2023. Co-volatility and asymmetric transmission of risks between the global oil and China's futures markets. Energy Economics,117,106466.
48.Xin Sheng,Hardik A. Marfatia,Rangan Gupta,Qiang Ji*,2023. The non-linear response of US state-level tradable and non-tradable inflation to oil shocks: The role of oil-dependence. Research in International Business and Finance,64,101830.
49. Yajie Chen,Kun Guo,Qiang Ji,Dayong Zhang,2023. “Not all climate risks are alike”:Heterogeneous response of financial firms to natural disasters in China. Finance Research Letters,52,103538.
50. Qiang Ji,Dayong Zhang,ZhongXiang Zhang,2023. Energy market financialization,integration and systemic risks. Energy Economics,117,106448.
51.翟鹏翔,雷雷,范英,郭琨,张大永,姬强*,2024. 气候政策不确定性与企业债券融资成本. 系统工程理论与实践.
52.郭琨,傅泽尉,汪寿阳,姬强*,张大永,2024. 市场的声音:绿色金融试点改革的微观影响. 系统工程理论与实践.
53.马嫣然,张大永,姬强*,2024. 谁是驱动中国原油期货价格波动的关键信息?管理科学学报,27(1),113-125.
54.张大永,陈映彤,姬强,2023. 气候风险与外商直接投资:基于城市层面的实证研究. 财贸研究,34(246),1-13.
55.孙晓蕾,姬强. 进一步提升我国新能源技术全球竞争力. 国家治理周刊,2023.
56.姬强,潘教峰. 加快推进全国统一电力市场建设的对策建议. 国家治理周刊,2023.
57.郭琨,边源,张大永,姬强*,2023. 气候风险对地方政府融资成本的影响. 环境经济研究,3,1-24.
58.张大永,张跃军,王玉东,王群伟,姬强*,2023. 气候金融的学科内涵、中国实践与热点前沿研究. 管理科学学报,26(8),1-15.
59.雷雷,张大永,姬强*,2023. 共同机构持股与企业ESG表现. 经济研究,4,133-151.
60.张韵晗,郭琨,姬强,赵万里,2023. 气候冲击对中国大类资产收益的信息溢出研究. 计量经济学报,3(2),426-442.
1.姬强,王玉东,王群伟,张跃军,张大永,2024. 气候金融学. 科学出版社.
2.姬强,郭琨,张大永,2024. 能源金融学. 科学出版社
3.姬强,夏炎,莫建雷,孙德强,2024. 中国能源转型:理论与实证. 科学出版社.
4.孙晓蕾,索玮岚,李倩倩,姬强,2024. “一带一路”建设五通进展研究. 科学出版社.
5.张大永,姬强,雷雷,2024. ESG评价体系与气候投融资. 西南财经大学出版社.
6.张大永,姬强,李佳伽,2023. 中国家庭能源消费:现状、挑战与未来. 西南财经大学出版社.
7.张大永,姬强,孙晓蕾,郭琨,2023. 国际原油市场:热点与前沿. 西南财经大学出版社.
8.姬强,张大永,2021. 能源金融前沿与探索。北京:科学出版社.
9.姬强,范英. 2017. 国际石油市场—驱动机制与影响机理. 北京:科学出版社.
10.范英,姬强,朱磊,李建平. 2013. 中国能源安全研究:基于管理科学的视角. 北京:科学出版社.