[1]国家自然科学基金重点项目“ 我国核心信息技术创新规律与创新体系研究”2019.01-2023.12
[5]全球产业变革新特征与我国未来产业创新路径研究 国家软科学计划重大项目 项目负责人 2012-2013
[6]新一代信息技术产业发展的关键要素与驱动机制研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目 项目负责人 2014.1-2017.12
[7]IT产业技术追赶中的互补性资产与路径选择模式研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目 项目负责人 2010.1-2012.12
[8]全球新一轮产业变革与中美科技合作新领域新模式研究 国家科技合作前瞻战略研究 项目负责人 2013-2014
[10]国家创新系统的开放性与国际技术转移研究 科技部国际科技合作战略研究 项目负责人2012-2013
[11]世界部分重点产业发展态势跟踪研究 国家软科学计划 项目负责人 2009.09-2010.09
[12]中央企业物联网产业发展策略研究 国务院国资委 项目负责人 2011.7-2012.3
[13]工业化信息化融合战略的国际研究 中国工程院 项目负责人 2008.10-2010.1
[14]战略性新兴产业重点行业发展研究 科技部战略院 项目负责人 2011.10-2012.3
[15]结合知识产权战略实施,促进战略性新兴产业发展的研究 国家知识产权局 项目负责人 2010.10-2011.6
1.中国科学院自然与社会交叉科学研究中心 副主任
2.Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China (中国科技政策国际期刊) 主编
3.International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management (Inderscience) 编委
4.International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management(Inderscience) 编委
5.International J. of Transitions & Innovation Systems (Inderscience) 编委
6.中国管理现代化研究会知识产权专业委员会副主任 2021年至今
- 2006 国际技术管理年会(IAMOT)最佳论文奖
[1]China’s Highway of Information and Communication Technology,(英国) Palgrave Macmillan 出版社,2009年
[1]Linking institutional environment with technological change: The rise of China's flat panel display industry.Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2020, 151.
[2]Exploring Regional Innovation Ecosystem: An Empirical Study in China]. Industry and Innovation, 2020.
[3]Towards a service-dominant platform for public value co-creation in a smart city: Evidence from two metropolitan cities in China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2019, 142(5):168-182.
[4]Legitimacy building and e-commerce platform development in China: The experience of Alibaba. Technological forecasting and social change, 2019, 139(FEB.):115-124.
[5]Manufacturing Strategies for the Ecosystem-based Manufacturing System in the Context of 3D Printing. International Journal of Production Research, 2019, 0020-7543
[6]Related yet diverging sectoral systems: telecommunications equipment and semiconductors in China. Industry and innovation, 2017.
[10]“Nurturing business ecosystems to deal with industry uncertainties”,Industrial Management & Data Systems,2013 (SSCI收录期刊)
[11] “Evolutionary dynamics of high technology industry: modeling of semiconductor sector in China”,Chinese Management Studies,2013 (SSCI收录期刊)
[12] “Examining China’s technology policies for wireless broadband infrastructure”,Telecommunications Policy ,2012(SCI/SSCI收录期刊)
[13] “Linking business ecosystem lifecycle with platform strategy: a triple view of technology, application and organisation” International Journal of Technology Management ,2013(SCI/SSCI收录期刊)
[14] “A two-stage technology foresight model with system dynamics simulation and its application”,Technological Forecasting and Social Change.2012 (SSCI收录期刊)
[15]“Technology Evolution and Path Dynamics in China’s Mobile Telecommunication Sector” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 2011 (SSCI收录期刊)
[16]“Developing Effective Strategies to Address Complex Challenges: Evidence from Local High-tech Firms in China” International Journal of Technology Management ,2010 (SCI/SSCI收录期刊)
[17]“Has China Caught Up in IT? An assessment of the relative growth rates for IT infrastructure, firms, and innovation in China”. Communication of ACM 2010 (SCI收录期刊)
[18]“Institutional environment and complementary assets: Business strategy in China’s 3G development ” Asia Pacific Journal of Management(SSCI收录期刊). 2010
[19]“Evolution of the China’s Mobile Telecommunication Industry: Past, Present, and Future”2005 International Journal of Mobile Communication,2005 (SSCI收录期刊)